March PDM – Tour of Pontiac Foods

Wednesday, March 11, 2015 from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM (EDT)

Sign up here

Ever visit Sandhills and smell the aroma of coffee in the air?  It is coming from Pontiac Foods, which grinds coffee and spices and is owned by Kroger. We have a unique opportunity to visit their facility.  March 11, 2015

Pontiac Foods is a GMP-required facility so no Jewelry, Watches, Cellphones, Cameras, recording devices etc. or open- toed shoes allowed in Production Areas. Hair nets/ Beard Nets and smocks as well as Earplugs will be required as well as long as we are in the production areas. An info sheet will be provided to those who sign up.

Pontiac Foods
813 Bookman Rd
Elgin, SC 29045


About Ann

MICA Board of Directors, Communications and Webmaster
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