APICS MidCarolina January 2016 – Education Offerings Event


We invite you to join us on January 13th 2016 at Midlands Technical College NE to learn how MidCarolina APICS Educational Course Offerings can provide the training to your employees to help your company  achieve your supply chain goals.

Would your company like to achieve:

  •                 30%+ increase in on time delivery?
  •                 30% reduction in lead time?
  •                 50% increase in capacity utilization
  •                 Highest inventory turns ever?

GE Oil and Gas recognized these results through APICS training with over 150 employees engaged. BASF recognized 300% revenue growth in 10 years with 200 employees engaged.

APICS education provides thorough training covering all aspects of business with knowledge that can be used in Retail, Manufacturing, Distribution, Health and Service Industries. Certification is globally recognized.

Join us on January 13th 2016 at Midlands Technical College NE to learn how APICS can provide the training to help you achieve your supply chain goals

Register here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/educational-offerings-seminar-tickets-19710914877

 “Better educated people make better decisions” Alan Milliken, Supply Chain Development Team, BASF

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